Welcome to HeartMates!




Congratulations you amazing phenomenal being!


You have made a choice that has officially changed the trajectory of your life forever. For the better. Why?

Because you will become the one who is brilliant, beautiful, and badass FIRST so that you can Find the one and KEEP the one. 


Right out of the gate you’re invited to begin meeting people LIVE on the weekly Zoom calls … while you cultivate an even deeper relationship with yourself in the curriculum. Once you complete month one’s curriculum, you’ll create your profile and begin dating on the app.


You’ve made the right choice joining the HeartMates Intimacy Training program because you’re supported each week to achieve short yet potent goals, experience wins and insights, appreciate your growth, open your heart to love, connect with like-hearted people and absolutely receive miracles.


Logistically you will receive 1 short email each week to keep you on track.


The curriculum includes:

  1. Glorious Growth: This is a special video lesson. Grab your journal and pen, perhaps a cup of tea, and dive in.
  2. Balance n’ Restore: These are quick fun audios to increase your pleasure, raise your vibration, and expand your confidence. 
  3. Then there’s the LIVE component, the weekly Zoom Conscious Connection Fridays.

Sometimes I provide a Secret Solutions Video with an inside peek at some deeper processes my Allana Pratt Method trained coaches provide.


Perfectly imperfect

Sometimes I filmed the videos 3 years ago, sometimes 3 months ago. Sometimes the videos are exceptionally shot, and other times there are minor technical glitches or my cat Muffin shows up. In designing Heartmates, I made a conscious choice to be real. So instead of trying to be perfect which isn’t even possible, I decided to embrace my humanity, to love myself even if I’m perfectly imperfect… and I invite you to do the same about the videos, about your own sweet self, and about your relationship journey. The more we can be in allowance of all and in judgment of nothing, the more we become a safe sanctuary for our ideal partner to manifest.



Additionally, I have created daily HeartBeats, an empowering message meant to love you silly, cuz we all know there will be ups and downs on this journey as with anything in life. Most people love them because our words create our dating reality. However, if it’s not your thing, you can easily opt-out of the Daily HeartBeats. 


Show up!

To ensure you get the best results, just put one foot in front of the other and do the work. Show up! Consistency pays off. Momentum tips you into new realms of connection. Choose a positive attitude. Celebrate your progress. Tiny hinges swing big doors. Deeper roots create higher shoots. 


Know this program has literally worked for thousands of people around the globe for over a decade. You are in great company, literally standing on the shoulders of everyday giants who have become the one to find the one… and keep the one. 


You know my story. I realized that, until I owned self-love on the inside, being loved by another, wasn’t gonna manifest on the outside.

You get transparency by giving transparency. You get heart connection by giving heart connection.

You see… couples who grow together, stay together.


And so the 3 most important things to remember on our journey are:

  1. Given life is equal challenge and support, there will be easy days and hard days. Nothing’s wrong. This is real life. Keep going
  2. From time to time, you will ache to find the one, want to find the one, need to find the one… remember this energy actually pushes them away, so return to choosing a partner, then do the work to become the one.
  3. The patience of eternity yields instant results… so the more you release attachment while staying committed and celebrating the process… your life will be filled with miracles.
  4. OK, I know I said 3… but 4. Know I love you. That you are loved. That you belong. That you are enough. That you matter. That you WILL find love. That they ARE out there looking for you, too. And the more healed your heart, the higher your vibration, the more you let go and show up as your authentic self… the sooner you will become the next success story of meeting your HeartMate… because you will have first honored that HeartMate in yourself. 


Ok you glorious being, welcome again to HeartMates where you learn to appreciate yourself…  all of yourself, so that someone else will finally come to appreciate you, too… all of you. 


And so we begin. xox


In the Media

Explore the World of Allana Pratt

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