Intimate Conversations Podcast
Intimate Conversations Podcast, Season 12, is for those who have suffered heartbreak and are ready to live unapologetically, and attract an open-hearted ideal relationship. Allana is both a small town Canadian girl and an Ivy League grad who has interviewed Whoopi Goldberg and Alanis Morissette, as well as coached Leeza Gibbons during her time on Dancing with the Stars. This podcast with over 5 million views on YouTube, inspires listeners to ‘Become the One’ to find the relationship they deserve.
We all have Intimacy Blindspots. Me, too. What're Yours?

Your subconscious blindspots (not YOU) are repelling the very love, intimacy and connection you desire.
After 20 yrs of helping singles and couples, I’ve discovered the top 5 mistakes that destroy conscious relationships. I’ve created a quick yet profound video series answering your questions to dissolve these blindspots. Should I stay or move on? How do I trust again after heartbreak? How can I attract my ideal person? And more...
Allana's Story
My best friend James died the summer I was 16 yr old. I ran down the middle of a two lane highway screaming at God, NO!!! Later near dusk, I remember looking up at the clear blue summer sky. I saw two brilliant rainbows yet there wasn’t a cloud to be found. Covered in shivers, I knew they were sent by James, a sacred invitation to choose between two paths — I could push away my sadness, stay mad at God and wish I never met James so I wouldn’t have to endure this heartbreak. Or I could cherish our friendship, breathe through this excruciating pain and somehow learn to keep my heart open, in the face of anything.
Looking back now, almost 4 decades later, I realize I called one of my coaching programs “Heart Splayed Wide Open.”
Intimate relationships require open hearts. We can learn to embrace vulnerability, stay present no matter what, and breathe through fear until we feel kissed by grace… together.
More About AllanaIf You're Still Repelling The Love You Desire...

… the root cause has to be a Blindspot. The Intimacy Breakthrough Experience goes right to the core of what’s really creating the barrier to deeper connection, fulfilling sex and heart centered intimacy. It’s a 1 hr deep dive with Allana that sheds light on the Blindspot that’s been sabotaging your best efforts. You’ll feel safe, seen and understood as you move from disheartened to certain that as you become ‘The One’, you will find ‘The One’ you’ve been seeking for a lifetime.
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