Dearest Fairy Godmother Allana, Remember me? 🙂 We worked together almost a year ago and it’s still helping me tremendously, even after all this time. It’s like you planted some magical seeds, that keep growing and bearing fruit long after being planted. The strategies, confidence and self-love I gained are still present in my life now, and for that, I feel extremely grateful. And I wanted to drop you a line to acknowledge that, to thank you once more, to tell you how much I admire you. Since we last spoke, I went through ups and downs, but mostly ups. I got myself together professionally, I lost 35 lbs (and counting!) and I allowed love to come into my life from the outside as well as the inside: I met an absolutely wonderful man who adores me and who’s strong enough to hold the space for me to be raw and authentic and emotional and happy and tearful and orgasmic… and, yes, phenomenal. And I know that, without your guidance and without doing the inner work, I never would have been able to receive all this. So thank you, Allana, once more. Love