Whenever we seek a relationship to complete us, make us feel safe, confirm we’re enough, be the source of our happiness… we actually come to the relationship half full, not whole. This leads to control issues, lack of trust, feeling used, never quite ‘Home’, always on guard.
Yet when we “Become the One’ first, we stop repelling healthy connection and instead attract a whole person who values and appreciates us…because we do, too! We realize that “Finding the One’ is bullsh*t! We talk ownership that 'Becoming the One' is how to effectively attract our ideal match.
Are you having trouble finding the one? Are you confused if you should keep dating or stay married to your current partner? Are you scared to trust again after heartbreak for fear of getting hurt again?
Relationship mistakes can cost you respect, make you lose your power or sex appeal, or settle for surface love. This complimentary Intimacy Course reveals the top 5 mistakes that repel the love and connection you desire… and how to shift them so you can receive the intimacy you deserve.
Now that we’ve dipped our toe in the waters of Connection, Forgiveness & Trust in the Introductory Program… It’s time to dive into the deep end and actually integrate the subconscious programming that sabotages your best efforts at love, intimacy, and connection.
Become the One Mastery is a 7-week profound healing journey to integrate your blindspots, create secure attachment within yourself, resolve unprocessed emotions that keep attracting incompatible partners, creating the same old drama, and leave you suffering vs soaring!
Now that you’ve cultivated the most important relationship of your entire life, with your SELF in Become the One Mastery… you’re more deeply capable of attracting your ideal mate and/or awakening deeper connection with the one you’re with in a lasting way.
Find the One or Awaken the One Mastery is a 7 week profound course building on Become the One by getting on the court of dating and relating. We learn and practice vulnerable communication, intimate connection, sacred sexuality, surrender to the Divine and experience complete rapture being alive in ‘Heartmate’ partnership.
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