
February 1, 2012 |

Intimate Conversations with Saskia Shakin

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Saskia Shakin. She is SO amazing and we spoke so in depth about public speaking. This is a wonderful interview where this brilliant woman shared her true passion for speaking because you LOVE to be there, in the moment, allowing yourself to be free and to be heard. I love it and hope that you did too.

Saskia Shakin started coaching Leaders in 1980—in a career that never ceases to surprise her.

Her clients have worked in the White House; appeared before Congress; run global corporations; written Broadway plays; managed prestigious law firms; and held chairs at major universities.

She saw herself as a consultant; her clients called her “coach.” She had expected to carve a niche in the world of PR and advertising; she ended up coaching executives in corporate

America. Her interest was in the Arts; her clients were more often in Finance.

One thing her career has taught her is: Expect the unexpected!

Another thing her career has revealed: Authenticity speaks louder than words. So, be yourself. Everyone else is taken!

Her book, More Than Words Can Say: The Making of Inspired Speakers unravels some of the mysteries of powerful presenters, whether speaking to one or 100.

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