
December 13, 2024 |

S12 | Intimate Conversations: Shadows CAN become Superpowers with David Meltzer – Part 1

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When David interviews me on office hours, all three times I'm in and out within 5 to 7 minutes. Yet we always go deep fast. And this was no different. The first half of the interview I had no idea my question would open up such depth of vulnerability. I welcomed his transparency and spiritual evolution into sharing about his journey as an entrepreneur. Finally we moved into how this has deepened his wisdom and faith. What a beautiful man.

And this powerful conversation about turning our shadows into our superpower we also discussed...
-How we have similar sexual abuse growing up that we didn't embrace healing until about 50 yrs old...
-How we had similar abilities to be positive and forgive others while leaving self forgiveness to the end...
-How the humility of losing everything can deeply shift your intimate relationship with the Divine...
-How there's truly a vibrational shift, a deeper resonance, a higher frequency, and more elevated interaction with the quantum field when you do the inner work to heal...
-How we are both Works in progress, clay on the potter's wheel, humble and grateful, still have our edges to lean into and so appreciative for being alive...

Fill out this form to receive a free copy of David Meltzer's book, "Connected to Goodness." Connected to Goodness by David Meltzer reveals David Meltzer's 7 principles to manifesting everything you desire in business and life. Schedule your Intimacy Breakthrough Experience with me today Scholarship Code: READYNOW

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