
April 11, 2024 |

S12 | Intimate Conversations: Astrology Guidance so Your Phoenix will Rise with Dr. Michael Lennox Part 1

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Oh my God I met a soul brother. How is it that some people you instantly have a ridiculous blast with going deep, sharing truths, instantly understanding each other, and championing each other's purpose? Dr. Michael is delicious! Exquisite :) Connected. On purpose and a gift to us all.

We began our discussion on how dreams and universal symbolism came so easily to him. Given how he was raised being shown symbols from his mother, when he saw astrology symbols it instantly made sense but also opened another portal to a sense of knowing, mastery and genius that in my opinion came from past lives.

In this powerful discussion we also shared...

What's potentially coming down the Pike in 2025 and 2026 astrologically for the United States of America...

How he knew the year I had intensity with my son, my former ex and my businesses...

What's potentially coming down the pike for Allana Banana vocationally and abundantly...

How we can embrace our challenges, sit in the fire, allow the Phoenix to rise into our best life yet...

How you get what you want when you no longer need it...

How the universe is always there to support and guide us if we pay attention, surrender and say yes...

How I'm excited to meet him in person my next time the Los Angeles and to watch him daily on his Red Robe Astrology :)

About Dr. Michael:

Dr. Michael Lennox is a psychologist, astrologer, and expert in dreams and dream interpretation. He teaches classes in self-investigation to a worldwide audience and is the host of the weekly podcast, Conscious Embodiment: Astrology and Dreams. He is also the author of Llewellyn's Complete Dictionary of Dreams, Llewellyn's Little Book ofDreams, Dream Sight, and Psychic Dreamer.

Connect with Dr. Michael: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: ​

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