
August 2, 2023 |

S11 | Intimate Conversations Candid Confessions: Heroically Humbled and Happy Being ME

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Vulnerability is like peeling an onion, sharing stories of how self forgiveness awakened self-worth so that self-love flowed through my being.

I told of when I was 13 coming home from a student trip to the Mediterranean with presents for everyone but nothing for myself. I told of bat shit crazy negotiations with my second husband based on fear of his wrath. I told of stories as recently as a few days ago being lifted into possibility by my girlfriend's helping shift my point of view around the state of my restructured business. And I shared the joy that my self love is at an all time high given the power of the psychedelic somatic integration work added to my 20 years of quantum psychology spiritual technology work as an intimacy expert. Damn I'm humbled, grateful and so alive.

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