S12 | Intimate Conversations: Client Elizabeth’s Story and Healing Tools That Work

How magical that Elizabeth came to me back in 2015 and we began our journey together regarding intimacy with money and her relationship with her father. About eight years later she returned when shit was really hitting the fan and she elegantly had a spiritual breakdown~ breakthrough in her ability to let go of family drama and find her wholeness, centeredness and enoughness on the inside.
In this delicious episode we also discussed ...
How when we stop clamoring for pleasure and resisting pain, we can drop into deep presence and no longer be victims of our circumstances...
How on her first call she felt embarrassed to reveal her emotions but discovered something quite magical when she opened her eyes...
How the balance between group calls, private calls plus an upcoming PSI immersion is exactly the support she desires to help her feel enough exactly as she is...
How the quality and depth of relationship with a man has elevated as her worthiness, receptivity and playfulness expands gorgeously...
How it's no longer a dream but a true vibrational reality she feels in her bones to live her life on a boat again... several boats actually :-)
How our weekly group call is one of the safest places on the planet to dive deep fast and ascend into our best lives personally and professionally...
Elizabeth, also sometimes known as alia, sees herself and her life as a living kaleidoscope, a rotating of loose pieces bouncing off mirrors that results in an ever-changing view….as the Scottish inventor who coined the term translated it; an “observation of beautiful forms”.
She’s had less of a neat “career track” story and more of a jigsaw-puzzle-pieces-dumped-on-the-table kind of life…
Some titles she’s played with along the years include: international exchange student, cocktail waitress, benefits administrator for a craft brewery, sailboat cook/crew and owner and captain as a liveaboard cruiser, teeny tiny monkey sitter, finance manager for a whitewater rafting facility, real estate investor, ordained minister, wellness practitioner.
Here is the scholarship for being a cherished listener of Intimate Conversations to enjoy savings on an Intimacy Breakthrough Experience Call with me to shine a light on your intimacy blindspot so you stop repelling the very love, intimacy and connection you desire…and deserve.