How Do You Bring Up Sex Casually?

You asked, “Allana, How soon in a relationship should you talk about sex, baby?” When to talk about babies
Great question… and I’d say pretty soon! For me the pillars of a great relationship are sex, money and being accepting of who they are… plus of course all the delicious intimacy I speak about with self, Source and your Beloved.
When you say Talk About Sex so you mean talk about if you have STDs, or birth control cuz you want to have sex? Or do you mean talk about your sexual desires and begin to flirty talk to let the other know it’s more than just friends?
I think it’s totally important to never turn off your sexual energy… you see sexual energy is our life force energy, our creativity, our deliciousness with life! Granted there are various flavors of sexual energy, from caring and healing… to creative and expansive… to orgasmic and naughty! Naughty isn’t appropriate for kids whatsoever. Yet tender is. And orgasmic on a 1st date might be too much, yet expansive and alive would be awesome… see?
If you’re interested in the person, if they turn you on, if they make life brighter and you DON’T let them know you’re interested in them sexually, or that you think they’re handsome/beautiful, or you are moved by their smile… SOMETHING… if you don’t then they’ll most likely put you in the friend zone.
However if you’re ALL sexual energy without your heart, or within your mind, without honoring their essence, without being interested in what makes them tick… then you’ll be a sleaze of course.
So this is the dance! Men if you haven’t already, get my free Get Her To Say Yes Report at where I go into this in detail. And ladies if you haven’t already, get my book How To Be And Stay Sexy where I describe how to get the love and attention you deserve being exactly who you are…
And if sex is a super shameful thing for you, lots of guilt from your upbringing, or if you’ve been made wrong in the past for your natural healthy sexual desires, then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you do a private coaching session with me for this issue WILL BITE YOU IN THE ASS later on in a relationship and you could stand to lose them or be judged unnecessarily which I would hate for you to endure. I promise you will get a HUGE return on your investment and be FREE the rest of your life in your sexual power… how amazing would that be?
Adore you,
Allana xoox