S12 | Intimate Conversations: What It Really Takes To Make People Feel Safe, Seen and Understood with Blake Worrall-Thompson – Part 2

I adore this brother from another mother. He is the embodiment of a humble, confident, heart centered and honest man. He wants to grow. He wants to take ownership. He wants to be his best self. And he's willing to do hard shit. We're so aligned in respecting one another because we're willing to reveal our shadows and our Humanity. He's such an inspiration to me and how his relationship with Shani is built on weekly check-ins and purifying their vessels so that the relationship is clean.
In this phenomenal return guest episode we also discussed...
-How our psychedelic Journeys have supported the regulation of our nervous systems and ability to deepen our presence
-How our ability to feel safe seen and understood in ourselves is a gift we love to give to our beloveds and clients
-How he and Shani connect every week to keep the relationship clean and connected with tips on how to begin this practice should it be new for you
-How we're still a work in progress and gravitate towards therapists and coaches who either aren't rattled by our content, or if they are, own it and clean it up
-How he's so committed to being his best self as a lover and a father one day... I'm sure there's a lot of souls in line to be his kid!
-How he's phenomenal at working with successful business owners who have checked all the boxes yet still feel like something's missing, unfulfilled, not enough
-How delightful it was that we got to meet in person in Byron Bay last July, how beautiful it is to have alignment in all areas of life including cherished colleagues :-)
We're thrilled to partner with Magic Mind for this episode. As a special treat, you can get 20% off for one-time purchases and subscriptions of Magic Mind by using the code INTIMATECONVERSATIONS20
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