S12 | Divorce Awakens Your Divine Feminine with Krista Williams: Part 2

Okay, we descended to 300 feet... instantly. There's a reason why her podcast has 100 million downloads. She's captivating. There's a reason why I asked her to support me in my podcast expansion for you. She's brilliant. And I love the reason why we connected... sharing of our divorces, shadows and God was enlivening. From the Mother wound to Little You and sacred sexuality... we shared what's possible when you are embodied and truly surrender.
In this exquisite conversation we also discussed...
-How many well intending women are running on adrenal fatigue in their masculine energy valuing their accomplishments while often rejecting their souls.
-How it's terrifying for the ego-will to surrender to Divine Will and yet it's the path of ascension into the fifth dimension to do this level of work with self-love, self forgiveness and surrender to the divine.
-How our darkest shadows are the portal to our brightest light as they illuminate our purest evolution and awaken playfulness for our sweet souls.
-How the journey is hard, it just is... it requires great bravery, humility and partnership with solid practitioners yet it's so freaking worth it.
-How there's so much re- learning, reparenting and autonomic nervous system regulation required to truly let go.
-How experiencing the embodiment of sacred sexuality in our body feels exquisite, beyond a simple stress relieving vibrator climax... that it can expand your capacity to receive pleasure and learn to make love with life.
-How Krista's Divine Mother Retreat in Portugal in May was birthed through her own trauma integration work and will teach you among other things how to become the divine mother you were meant to be, for yourself and many others.
Follow Krista's Instagram: @itskrista and @almost30podcast